Time saving account management software

Its features


Allows you to manage the time saving account for each employee in a paperless way.


Employees can credit their time saving account and then use their credit to take time off.

Its advantages

Gain de temps

The first time saving account management module, available on the HRIS market since 2008.

Aide à la décision

A module that is both easy to use and reliable in its calculations for a quick, stress-free start.

Discover the time saving account management module now!
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Features overview

Leave management sofware, My Intranet, includes a module to dematerialize the time saving account. Its operation is very simple :

  • The employee moves earned paid time off, RTT or recovery time,
  • the employee submits a request to take time saving account days which must then be validated by his line manager (or according to the configured approval workflow). As always with My Intranet, taking leave is done in 3 clicks.

The employee has a real-time view of the following data for his time saving account :

  • Number of days credited,
  • Number of days requested (but not yet approved),
  • Number of days requested and approved,
  • Number of days taken,
  • Available balance.

This data is also available to the administrator at any time.

Key points of the time saving account module

At the configuration level, it is possible to set :

  • The period of time saving account credit for each type of leave source (CP, RTT and recovery).,
  • the maximum number of days (or hours) that the employee can credit during each period,
  • the global maximum number of days for the time saving account.

My Intranet is able to manage time saving account in days worked, working days, calendar days or in hours. It is even possible to feed it from types of leave managed in hours or days, with the module ensuring automatic conversion when necessary.

This granularity in the configuration allows for the best possible adherence to the rules set in the collective agreements.

The time saving account tracking module is an integral part of leave management. Thus, an employee will only be able to credit to their account those days that are earned and available in their balance at the time of transfer to the account.

Do you want to integrate very specific rules for the taking of time saving account days ? We can setup complex rules, such as :

  • the obligation to take all paid vacation days before being able to take time saving acount days off ;
  • the requirement to allow a certain period of time between the date of request and the date on which the days are taken.


At any time, the administrator can edit a report listing the time saving account credit requests as well as all takes for each employee. This report is available online and exportable to Excel (XML format).

About time saving account

The time saving account is an account made available to each employee of the company. According to well-defined rules in a company agreement, the employee can feed his account each year with paid vacation days, RTT or even overtime. The rules of feeding and taking vary from one company to another and are subject to negotiations with the staff representative entities. This system is useful for setting aside unused leave entitlements.

Payment of vacations

In My Intranet, employees can also request payment for their RTT and other types of leave.